Fast, superior GC with two parallel columns & three detectors


three detectors - FID, FPD or TCD
wide measurement range
modular construction

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A fast Gas Chromatograph (GC) with superior capabilities - gas analysis equipment at its best.

 Calisdus 301 Gas Chromatogrph

The Calidus 301 simplifies GCs. It offers ultra-fast analysis 10 to 50 times faster than conventional lab or process GCs. Using two columns in parallel enables a wider range of capabilities when the optimum column and detectors are selected for a particular application.

Model 301 is comprised of 5 modules: a sample processing unit containing a "Y split" valve; 2 x column module (choice of columns available); and 2 x detectors (either flame ionisation (FID), flame photometrics (FPD) or thermal conductivity (TCD)). 

It can be used for virtually any gas and hydrocarbons up to C44

  • in the laboratory
  • at line
  • is transportable
  • on-line

A single Calidus™ GC is capable of monitoring VOCs in less than 20 seconds, has a footprint less than half of a research grade GC, and the capacity to do the work of 4 to 5 research grade GCs, making it the leading choice for gas analysis equipment and a cost effective measurement method.

As with other Calidus GCs in the series, the 301 is equipped with a split/splitless injection port that is suitable for both gas and liquid samples. Samples may be inserted using a syringe and the septum injection port or optional gas, liquid or headspace sampling may be connected to the inlet port.

All Calidus GCs may also be used with automated sampling valves. In the 301, the sample is delivered to two independent columns and detectors.  These two measurement trains run in parallel with each column, independently controlled for temperature.     

The modular design lowers maintenance costs and increases flexibility to run different fluid mixtures.

The Calidus series of superior performance GCs uses ground breaking technology in the form of resistively heated columns.  Using the stainless tube as the heater means that the traditional ovens for columns can be removed and the size of the system can be dramatically reduced.

The ethos of the Calidus series from day one was that a GC used in the lab should be the same GC when used as an on-line system for process control.  This way the performance, methods and procedures developed for highly repeatable measurements can be directly applied to on-line systems.