Water in oil monitor, insertion system


0 % to 80 %
ATEX Zone 1
direct insertion

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water in oil transmitter designed for on-line monitoring of oil and other non-conductive liquids.

This device provides on-line monitoring of crude, fuel, hydraulic and lubricating oils for traces of water with equal accuracy, for alerting operators to the danger of water breakthrough, or as a quality control check on custody transfer applications. 

The DC-3510 analyser operates on the capacitance principle: the higher the water cut, the greater the capacitance. The micro-processor based electronics incorporate sophisticated algorithms to compensate for temperature and density variations, which facilitate high resolution and stable results.

Robust engineering, combined with a 4 to 20 mA output, makes this a reliable and easy to use instrument for water or base sediment and water (BS&W) for precise measurement of water volume from 0.05 to 50 %.

The DC-3510 is suitable for direct insertion in the process stream. This method can be installed on systems with larger pipe diameters, separators or tanks. (See DC-1510 for the by-pass type system for slipstream measurements.)

Used in medium to high volume crude oil, condensate or refined petroleum applications with flow rates above 200 m3 per day. Suitable for pipelines 3” diameter or greater with vertical or horizontal mounting, perpendicular or parallel to the flow direction. The wafer style also provides the benefit of having the ability to be installed in a straight line piece of piping. Available in 3" to 8" flange sizes with 150#-1500# ratings.