View activity within a high pressure gas pipeline
detect hydrates, foam and liquid carry-over
live streamed video of pipeline activity

What is in your pipeline today?
LineVu provides an alarm when liquid carry-over, foam or hydrates are detected in a gas pipeline. It provides a live video stream of activity within the pipeline, and provides vital information to enable improvements in operating efficiency and process safety.
Being able to see the product will help engineers diagnose process problems, and give a better understanding and confidence of process conditions. Streamed video is transmitted over a client's network, and provides viewing access via a desktop browser, tablet or smartphone, either locally or at remote locations.
Overlaying the video with relevant process data, e.g. flow rate, pressure, temperature, gives operators a fuller picture of process conditions, and is beneficial for process engineers in both upstream and downstream applications.
Safety measures built into the system (patent applied), allow a high functional safety level to be achieved.