CO2 monitor for indoor air quality measurement

CO2 Display

measures CO2, rh & temperature
internal logger with USB access
easy to read display

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Improve health and safety and workplace environments.

This display unit is a useful aid to improving workplace conditions. CO2 levels can increase in work areas and closed rooms. Meeting rooms and training rooms are often internal rooms that may not have the best ventilation systems. High CO2 can lead to loss of concentration and fatigue. A wall mounted display can indicate that ventilation needs to be improved. 

350 to 450 ppm

0.035 to 0.045 %

Fresh air outside

600 to 1,200 ppm

0.06 to 0.12 %

Room air

>1,000 ppm

>0.1 %

 Fatigue and loss of concentration

5,000 ppm

0.5 %

 Max. permissible value

at the workplace

38,000 ppm

3.8 %

 Breathing air (direct exhalation)

>100,000 ppm

>10 %

Nausia, vomiting loss of

conciousness and death

This low cost CO2 display can be desk, bench-top or wall-mounted and provides useful information. It can also be mounted in cellars and areas where CO2 could accumulate. 

The display acts as a visual warning when levels increase and the internal logger records the date, time, CO2, rh and temperature for download to a PC for charts and analysis if necessary.