Explore Our Products by Measured Parameter
A range of analysis systems for gases and liquids.
Using the latest techniques can offer operational cost benefits and improve process efficiency by improving measurement confidence.
Select the parameter to be measured, and a number of suitable on-line, portable or laboratory-based analysers and meters are available.

Acetylene (C2H2)
Measurements of acetylene at ppmV levels for efficient process control of ethylene production.

Ammonia (NH3)
Measurements of ammonia in many process applications can alert operators to alarm conditions

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Carbon dioxide monitors for measurement at % or ppmV levels in natural gas and other gases.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Analysis of trace levels of carbon monoxide (CO) as contaminant in process and supply gas streams.

Humidity (H2O) and Dew Point
From low ppbV or ppmV to high dew point, hygrometers are critical to many processes.

Liquid Contamination
Instruments to detect and analyse liquid contamination in high pressure gas pipelines