Precision chilled mirror for pressure dew point

MBW 973

pressure dew point up to 20 Bar
laboratory reference
high precision
fast response

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Precision dew point measurements at up to 20 Bar.

Model MBW 973 provides a fundamental dew point measurement. The 973 gives the user an intuitive touch screen interface, allowing easy monitoring of key measurement parameters and system health. The mirror check facility allows the user to vaporise accumulated condensates without having to disassemble the instrument.

Optimum Response Injection System (ORIS)

The ORIS is a feature unique to MBW chilled mirror devices. This pre-programmed vapour injection system accelerates stabilisation times when measuring at low dew point levels. A layer of frost is built on the mirror to rapidly achieve an equilibrium point where the rate of sublimation and condensation are equal.

 A graph showing the improvement in stabilisation time when using ORIS

ForcefrostTM function

Below 0 °C water may condense as either liquid or solid. This is a particular problem when working at dew points just below 0 °C, and can cause up to a 3 °C difference in condensation temperature. For correct calculation of relative humidity (rh), the phase of the condensate must be known.  When the Forcefrost function is activated at a user defined temperature the mirror over-cools to ensure that a frost is formed when below 0 °C, and to remove the uncertainty. 

Frost MBW973